Topics > Northumberland > Chatton > Weetwood Bridge, over River Till
Weetwood Bridge, over River Till
Weetwood Bridge is a single span stone bridge over the River Till, located near Weetwood Hall, and about a mile and a half north-east of Wooler and 2 miles north-west of Chatton in Northumberland. The bridge is thought to have been built in the 16th century[1], with alterations in 1775, and also in the 19th century. The bridge is a Grade I listed structure. It is thought probable that the English army, commanded by the Earl of Surrey, crossed the River Till here on the way to Barmoor Castle on the 8th September 1513, the day before the Battle of Flodden.[2] Today the bridge remains in use and is included as part of the Flodden 1513 Ecomuseum.

Weetwood Bridge - List Entry
- The monument includes a single span bridge of 16th century date with 18th century alterations, spanning the River Till south east of Weetwood Hall. The structure is a single span …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://www.flodden1513ecomus…
Weetwood Bridge
- "Weetwood Bridge has been much altered over its existence but is thought to have first been constructed as a crossing point over the Till during the early 16th Century.
The …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Weetwood Bridge - List Entry
- The monument includes a single span bridge of 16th century date with 18th century alterations, spanning the River Till south east of Weetwood Hall. The structure is a single span …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://www.flodden1513ecomus…
Weetwood Bridge
- "Weetwood Bridge has been much altered over its existence but is thought to have first been constructed as a crossing point over the Till during the early 16th Century.
The …
Added by
Simon Cotterill