Topics > Cumbria > Patterdale > Church of St Patrick, Patterdale
Church of St Patrick, Patterdale

from Geograph (geograph)
St Patrick's Church, Patterdale - an Anglican Methodist church
Pinned by Edmund Anon

Church of St Patrick - Patterdale - List Entry
- "The Church of St Patrick, Patterdale was built in 1853, and consecrated by the Bishop of Carlisle in November of the same year. Built to replace an earlier church of …
Added by
Edmund Anon

  Co-Curate Page
Anthony Salvin (1799 -1881)
- Overview About Anthony Salvin Anthony Salvin, born in Sunderland Bridge in 1779, was an architect who developed an expertise in restoring medieval buildings, castles and country houses, as well as building …

from Geograph (geograph)
St Patrick's Church, Patterdale - an Anglican Methodist church
Pinned by Edmund Anon

Church of St Patrick - Patterdale - List Entry
- "The Church of St Patrick, Patterdale was built in 1853, and consecrated by the Bishop of Carlisle in November of the same year. Built to replace an earlier church of …
Added by
Edmund Anon