Topics > Historical Periods > Roman Period (43 to 409 AD) > Birdoswald Roman Fort (Banna)
Birdoswald Roman Fort (Banna)
Birdoswald Roman Fort (known as Banna) is situated on the western part of Hadrian's Wall, about 1 mile west of Gilsland in Cumbria. The wall here was originally built using turf in around 122 AD, and replaced by stone, probably in the 130s. The stone fort was built some time later, after the wall. Banna was occupied by Cohors I Aelia Dacorum and by other Roman auxiliaries from approximately AD 126 to AD 400. Today the site is managed by English Heritage. The excavated ruins of the fort and adjacent sections of Hadrian's Wall is a scheduled monument on the National Heritage List for England and part of the World Heritage Site. Birdoswald Farmhouse and tower form part of the visitor centre complex.

from Geograph (geograph)
Birdoswald (Banna) - the southeast angle tower and lamb
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

Birdoswald Roman fort and the section of Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the River Irthing and the field boundaries east of milecastle 50
- "....The monument includes the Roman fort at Birdoswald and the section of Hadrian's Wall and vallum and their associated features between the River Irthing in the east and the field …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://www.english-heritage.…
- Visitor information. "...Start your Hadrian's Wall adventure at Birdoswald Roman Fort in Cumbria. Here you can still see the remains of all of the Wall's defining features. Stand in awe …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Youtube (youtube)
Postcard from Hadrian's Wall, North East | England Drone Footage
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from Geograph (geograph)
Birdoswald (Banna) - the southeast angle tower and lamb
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

Birdoswald Roman fort and the section of Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the River Irthing and the field boundaries east of milecastle 50
- "....The monument includes the Roman fort at Birdoswald and the section of Hadrian's Wall and vallum and their associated features between the River Irthing in the east and the field …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://www.english-heritage.…
- Visitor information. "...Start your Hadrian's Wall adventure at Birdoswald Roman Fort in Cumbria. Here you can still see the remains of all of the Wall's defining features. Stand in awe …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Youtube (youtube)
Postcard from Hadrian's Wall, North East | England Drone Footage
Pinned by Simon Cotterill