Topics > Northumberland > Civil Parishes in Northumberland > Kyloe Civil Parish > Kyloe Chapelry, 1855

Kyloe Chapelry, 1855

Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855.



KYLOE parochial chapelry comprises the townships of Beal with Lowlin, Berrington, Buckton, Fenwick, and Kyloe, whose united area is 8,285 statute acres. The population in 1801, was 968; in 1811, 958; in 1821, 990; in 1831, 927; in 1841, 1,023; and in 1851, 1,005 souls. Coal and lime are found in this district. 


BEAL WITH LOWLIN township is the property of Hugh Taylor, Esq., The acreage, etc., are includd in the returns of the chapelry. This township was formerly possessed by a family which bore the local name, from whom it was transferred to the Bullocks, and from them to the Twizells, becoming ultimately the property of the present proprietor. THE HAMLET of Beal is situated near the sea, six and a half miles N.N.W. of Belford. Here is a station on the York, Newcastle, and Berwick Railway, and trains stop here three times daily, Thomas Stewart, agent.

DIRECTORY. Adam Carter, cornmiller, Lowlin Mill; Henry Knight Gregson, Esq., Lowlin House; Thomas Scott, farmer ; Thomas Stewart, stationmaster; and John Tait, horsebreaker, The Lamb, Lowlin. 


BERRINGTON is a township and hamlet in the above chapelry, with which the acreage, population, etc. are returned. THE HAMLET of Berrington is situated on the Wooler road, eight miles south of Berwick. BERRINGTON HOUSE is the seat of Mrs. Eleanor Grey. The principal residents are Mrs. Eleanor Grey, Berrington House ; Mr. Adam Thompson ; and the farmers are John C. McDonald, South Berrington; Robert Mathison, (hind) Berrington Lough; and George Turnbull, Berrington Law.


BUCKTON, a township in this chapelry, situated at the southern extremity of Islandshire, is in the occupancy of James Hogg, farmer, and at East Kyloe. 


FENWICK is a township and hamlet, situated four and a half miles N.N.W. of Belford. The principal residents are Robert Ayre, blacksmith ; John Brigham, joiner; Robert Brigham, joiner; George Chisholm, farmer and brick and tile manufacturer, Fenwick Granary and Mount Hooley; Mark Chisholm, farmer, Fenwick Stead; William Jeffreys, schoolmaster; John Mills, tailor; Robert Newton, shopkeeper; Thomas Paxton, grocer and draper; and William Simmons, butcher. 


KYLOE is a township and village giving name to the chapelry in which it is situated, and with which the acreage, population, etc. are returned. THE VILLAGE of Kyloe is five miles N.N.W . of Belford. THE CHAPEL is a modern edifice, erected in 1792, on the south side of the old one, which was in existence previous to 1145, for we find it was confirmed in that year to the mother church of Holy Island. The living, a perpetual curacy in the archdeaconry of Lindisfarne and deanery of Norham, is returned at £96; gross income £138. Patrons, the Dean and Chapter of Durham; incumbent, the Rev. John Edmonds. The register of this chapelry commences in 1674. 

DIRECTORY. Rev, John Edmonds, incumbent, East Kyloe; Eleanor Wilson, vict. Plough Inn, Half-way House; and the farmers are Andrew Craig, (and miller) Berryburn Mill; John Forster, Smeafield; Matthew Forster, Kent Stone; George Hogg, West Kyloe, and Hunting Hall; John Purvis, Carrier to Berwick, on Saturdays. 


Kyloe Civil Parish Beal Fenham Islandshire, 1855 Fenwick, Kyloe Berrington Buckton Northumberland Parishes and Townships - 1855


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