Topics > County Durham > Urpeth > Urpeth Colliery (1835 - 1957)
Urpeth Colliery (1835 - 1957)
Sinking of Urpeth Colliery, also known as Low Urpeth Colliery, began in c.1831. However, there had been coal mining in the area for many years; boring operations were in recorded on the Urpeth estate in 1742. Production at Urpeth Colliery began in 1835. In 1837 Edward Fenwick Boyd moved to Urpeth and became resident viewer of Urpeth Colliery, and later manager of the colliery. He was a founding member of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers and became its fourth president in 1869 .In 1921 there were 1,678 people employed at the various pits of Urpeth Colliery (1,336 working below ground and 342 on the surface). At that time it was owned by Pelaw Main Collieries ltd. The numbers working at the mine reduced significantly from the mid 1930's onwards, and the colliery closed on the 30th March, 1957.[1]

Urpeth Colliery, C Pit
- Postcard image of C Pit at Urpeth Colliery
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Urpeth Colliery, C Pit
- Postcard image of C Pit at Urpeth Colliery
Added by
Simon Cotterill