Topics > Northumberland > Roddam > Roddamburn Bridge
Roddamburn Bridge
There is a stone bridge over Roddam Burn about half mile north-east of the hamlet of Roddam and just under half mile south of Roseden in Northumberland. The bridge dates from the 18th or early 19th century. The bridge has a main segmental arch with two lower segmental flood arches at either side. Roddamburn Bridge is Grade II listed on the National heritage list for England.

RODDAMBURN BRIDGE - Roddam = List Entry
- Bridge. C18 or early C19. Dressed stone. Small and very low. Segmental arch with 2 lower segmental flood arches. Raised band at base of parapet. Parapet rather heavy in detail, …
Added by
Peter Smith

RODDAMBURN BRIDGE - Roddam = List Entry
- Bridge. C18 or early C19. Dressed stone. Small and very low. Segmental arch with 2 lower segmental flood arches. Raised band at base of parapet. Parapet rather heavy in detail, …
Added by
Peter Smith