Topics > Northumberland > Lemmington > Prehistoric Rock Art in Lemmington Wood
Prehistoric Rock Art in Lemmington Wood
Deep in Lemmington Woods is a rock with 'cup and rings' carvings, thought to date from the early Bronze Age. The rock is very unusual as it also has later Anglo-Saxon runic inscriptions. The rock is a scheduled monument, protected by law.

from Geograph (geograph)
Moss-covered cup and ring marked rock, Lemmington Wood
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

Prehistoric rock art and Runic inscription in Lemmington Wood
- "A rock art panel bearing two motifs of Neolithic/early Bronze Age date and an early medieval Runic inscription....Description: the panel (ERA 579) is located on one of the highest parts …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Lemmington Wood cup and ring marked stone
- "The rock is decorated with cups and rings, probably dating to the Bronze Age. As well as these markings are some early medieval runes. Such lettering carved on natural outcrops …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Geograph (geograph)
Moss-covered cup and ring marked rock, Lemmington Wood
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

Prehistoric rock art and Runic inscription in Lemmington Wood
- "A rock art panel bearing two motifs of Neolithic/early Bronze Age date and an early medieval Runic inscription....Description: the panel (ERA 579) is located on one of the highest parts …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Lemmington Wood cup and ring marked stone
- "The rock is decorated with cups and rings, probably dating to the Bronze Age. As well as these markings are some early medieval runes. Such lettering carved on natural outcrops …
Added by
Simon Cotterill