Topics > Northumberland > Civil Parishes in Northumberland > Ponteland Civil Parish > Kirkley Township, 1848

Kirkley Township, 1848

KIRKLEY, a township, in the parish of Ponteland, union and W. division of Castle ward, S. division of Northumberland, 10¼ miles (N.W. by N.) from Newcastle-upon-Tyne; containing, with Benridge and CarterMoor, 168 inhabitants. The family of Eure held the manor of Kirkley in the time of Edward II. by the service of annually presenting a barbed arrow at the manorial court; and previously to the reign of Charles I. the place became the possession and seat of a branch of the Ogle family. The township, with Benridge and Carter-Moor, comprises 1,765 acres. Kirkley Hall is a handsome mansion, which, some years since, was enlarged and beautified; it is finely situated, and commands extensive and picturesque views towards the east. The impropriate tithes have been commuted for £238. 10., payable to Merton College, Oxford, and the vicarial for £32. 15. Sir Chaloner Ogle, a distinguished naval commander, who captured the famous pirate, Roberts, on the coast of Africa, in 1722, and was subsequently raised to the rank of admiral for his eminent services, was born in the township.

Extract from: A Topographical Dictionary of England comprising the several counties, cities, boroughs, corporate and market towns, parishes, and townships..... 7th Edition, by Samuel Lewis, London, 1848.

Ponteland Civil Parish Kirkley Hall Ponteland Parish, 1848 Benridge, with Kirkley and Carter-Moor Township, 1848
Kirkley Hall
  Co-Curate Page
Kirkley Hall
- Overview About Kirkley Hall Map Street View   Kirkley Hall is a 17th-century historic country mansion and Grade II listed building. The estate has over 190 acres of land and …
Benridge, with Kirkley and Carter-Moor Township, 1848
  Co-Curate Page
Benridge, with Kirkley and Carter-Moor Township, 1848
- BENRIDGE, with Kirkley and Carter-moor, a township, in the parish of Ponteland, union, and W. division, of Castle ward, S. division of Northumberland, 9½ miles (N.W. by N.) from Newcastle-uponTyne; …


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