Topics > County Durham > Spennymoor > Spennymoor at War > Spennymoor WW1 Names > Index of WW1 Names
Index of WW1 Names
Work in progress! This will be an index of WW1 names from the Spennymoor/Ferryhill areas of County Durham.
Name |
Cenotaph |
Photo |
Abley, Ishmael |
Abley, S |
Adams, Fred W |
Alderson, A |
? |
Alderson, Betie |
Alderson, Geoffrey |
Alderson, Matthew |
Anderson, Edgar Wilfred |
Anderson, Fred |
Anderson, Joseph |
Anderson, T |
Angus, Samuel |
? |
Photo (wounded & gassed) |
Angus, Thomas |
? |
Photo (Wounded) |
Angus, William |
Arkless, Oswald Pearson |
Military Cross. Died 1954. |
Armstrong, J |
Ashton, John |
Bainbridge, Christopher |
Bainbridge, Richard Ernest |
Bainbridge, Tom |
Baines, William |
Barker, Chas |
Baker, Ward |
Barker, William |
Ballantyne, D |
Bamlett, W |
Banks, Will |
Bannister, J |
Barker, Charles |
Barlow, T |
Barrass, H |
Barrett, James Anthony |
Beal, George |
Bell, J G |
Bell, James Serrill |
Bell, Samuel |
? |
Photo (wounded) |
Benson, Nathan |
Bethell, Hubert |
Bishop, Thomas |
Blackbourne, W G |
Blackett, F |
Blackett, Joseph |
Blackmore, Walter |
Blair, T |
Bland, J |
Blenkin, John Thomas |
Blood, William H |
Boden, J |
Bonson, James Mitchel |
Bottoms, Arthur Eneas |
Bowman, William Edward |
Boyle, Michael |
Brabban, William |
Bracegirdle, William |
Bradley, Arthur |
Bradley, Austin |
Bradley, J |
? |
may be same as Bradley, James |
Bradley, James |
? |
Photo (Wounded) |
Broadley, J W |
Broadley, M H |
Brooks, J |
Broome, C H |
Brown, A |
Brown, George |
Brown, George William |
Brown, J |
Brown, W |
Brown, William |
Brown, William Herbert |
Brown, W L G |
Brunskill, Fred |
Bulmer, Norman |
Bulmer, William |
Bulmer, W |
Bundy, H |
Burke, E |
Photo |
Burns, W |
Burton, J |
Bussey, Albert John Thomas |
Butterfield, Frederick Arthur Thomas |
Cadman, John |
Cameron, Edward |
Campbell, A |
Cheesewright, John Francis |
Clark, James |
Clarke, James |
Clarke, T W |
? |
Photo |
Claughan, Thomas |
Close, W H |
Coates, Monty |
? |
Photo (Wounded) |
Cockfield, J R |
Colebrook, C |
Wounded 1915. Name not on memorial. |
Conn, T |
Cook, G T |
Cooper, John Thomas |
? |
Cooper, William |
Corbett, A |
Corner, Arthur Henry |
Ferryhill |
Cornish, R |
Coulthard, W |
Cowens, J |
Cowley, A |
Craddock, H |
Craig, B |
Craig, William Alexander (Alec) |
Crone, J W |
? |
Cross, J |
Cummings, C D |
Cummings, J |
Cummins, Frederick W |
Cunningham, James |
Curle, John H |
Curry, George Ernest |
Dalkin, Fenwick |
Davies, John Thomas |
Davies, William |
Davison, J |
Davison, J R |
Dawson, Thomas |
Dixon, T |
Dodds, John Henry |
Dodds, J R |
Dodshon, John Lawrence |
Dowson, George William |
Draycott, James William |
Dunn, G |
Dunn, R G |
Ebden, W |
Edwards, Rd |
Edwards, Rt |
Egglestone, John |
Egglestone, T |
Eldrett, E |
Elliot, J |
Ellis, Charles |
Elves, F |
Elves, Richard |
Elves, S |
English, R H |
Evans, Joseph Henry |
Died 09/04/1917 See Joseph Evens below |
Evans, Joseph |
Gassed, 1915 Name not from memorial, but may be J R Evans (above) who is named. |
Farthing, E |
Featherstone, F N |
Fellowes, Charles |
Died in hospital, 1915. Name not on memorial. |
Finley, J |
Forrest, Thomas |
Foster, E |
Foxcroft, J J |
French, J |
Garbutt, R |
Gardener, Herbert |
Gash, J |
Gee, George |
Gibson, A |
Goundry, Thomas Andrew |
Graham, B R |
Graham, G |
Graham, T |
Killed 1915 |
Grainger, James |
Gray, Nesbit |
Green, George |
Greenwood, Arthur |
Greenwood, Robert |
Greig, Robert |
Hall, A |
Hamer, Charles |
Hamilton, Harry Edward |
Hamilton, John George |
Hardy, George Hoare |
Harker, B G |
Harland, W |
Hart, H |
Hartley, T |
Harwood, B |
Henderson, N |
Herring, Thomas O |
Hetherington, B |
Hewick, Louis Henry |
Hindmarch, Thomas |
Hodgins, T |
Hodgson, J R |
Hodgson, Thomas |
Should be Tudhoe |
Hodgson, Thomas Atkinson |
Holland, R |
Hood, W |
Hopper, Frederick Wilkinson |
Houston, T |
Howard, Stephen |
Howe, H D |
Howe, R |
Hughes, Joseph Henry |
Hunter, George Price |
Hutchinson, Ernest |
Hutchinson, G W |
Hutchinson, R |
Ingram, John Henry |
Spennymoor, Ferryhill |
Jackson, J |
Jackson, R |
James, F |
Jefferson, J |
Johnson, Peter |
Johnson, Thomas |
Jones, J |
Jones, John Edward |
Jones, Reece |
Jones, Robert |
Jones, Samuel George |
Jones, Thomas H |
Jones, William |
Keirl, Charles Robert |
Keirl, John William |
Kendall, G H |
Kenmir, Frederick |
Kennedy, J D |
Wounded 1915. Name not on memorial. |
Kitching, A T |
Knaggs, G |
Knight, F |
Wounded 1915. Name not on memorial. |
Langley, R |
Lawson, H |
Lawson, P F |
Lawson, W |
Layton, J |
Wounded and prisoner in 1914. Name not on memorial. |
Layton, George William |
Lidster, R |
Linsley, J |
Linsley, Walter Hastings |
Littley, C S |
Littley, Joseph |
Livett, J |
Lodge, F |
Longstaff, Robert |
Prisoner of War, 1915. Name not on monument. (Possibly related to Alfred Longstaff of Middlestone Moor, Spennymoor. CWGC) |
Lowe, J |
Lowery, R R |
Lumsden, Joseph William |
Lunn, Joseph Gibson |
Malloy, John |
Malpas, J W |
Martin, J V |
Maughan, W H |
McAdam, J |
McCormack, James |
McCrone, Thomas |
McGowan, L |
McKenzie, C |
Mercer, J L |
Metcalfe, E |
Mgahan, J |
Miller, Alfred |
Miller, G B |
Moan, J W |
Moore, E |
Mortimer, R |
Naisbitt, Alexander Gibson |
Neasham, R |
Wounded 1915. Name not on memorial. |
Nelson, E |
Nichol, John |
Nichols, A |
Northcote, William Henry |
O'Hara, John William |
O'Neil, P |
O'Neil, W |
Orton, A W |
Osguthorpe, John Alfred |
Parrott, John Robert |
Parry, Herbert |
Pattison, Thomas |
Payne, John Edward |
Pearce, Arthur |
Perry, F |
Perry, J |
Perry, John Henry |
Petch, Joseph |
Phillips, T P |
Pickering, Eric |
Pigg, E E |
Plews, A C |
Pope, J W |
Powell, John T |
Pratt, R R |
Prest, F |
Procter, J |
Raitt, James |
Raitt, Thomas Wortley |
Ramage, E |
Randall, W F |
Reeve, E |
Rex, H L |
Rhodes, J |
Rhymer, E W |
Richardson, Harry |
Richardson, Thomas |
Richmond, John |
Rivers, Thomas |
Robinson, J J |
French Military Cross. Name not on memorial |
Robinson, Thomas Naylor |
Rocks, P |
Roper, Thomas Fredrick |
Rose, J |
Roseman, William |
Ryan, J |
Ryder, J |
Ryder, Robert |
Sanderson, Christopher |
Sanderson, W |
Scotson, Walter |
Seymour, John George |
Sharp, Archibald Dobbie |
Simpson, J W |
Sinclair, John |
Smith, G E |
Smith, Peter Butson |
Snow, Philip A |
Snowball, Frederick W |
Snowball, J |
Snowball, Thomas |
Spence, Arthur |
Stephenson, J W |
Stones, G |
Stott, A |
Stott, R |
Stout, Arthur |
Strathern, Robert Stewart |
Stuart, H |
Sugden, R |
Telfer, R D |
Thomas, B |
Thomas, J |
Thomas, R |
Killed 1915. Name not on the memorial. |
Thomas, T |
Thompson, W |
Tighe, Alphonsus Charles |
Tolmie, S A |
Tolmie, George Lester |
Born in Spennymoor |
Tomlinson, G F |
Turnbull, Robert |
Tweddle, John George |
Born in Spennymoor |
Tweddle, R |
Varvill, B |
Verrell, Alfred William |
Vickerstaff, Matthew |
Vickerstaff, Robert (LCpl) |
Walker, J H |
Walker, Robert |
Wallace, J G |
Walls, E H |
Walsh, A |
Walters, A R |
Walton, W |
Ward, J |
Ward, W L |
Wardle, Brown |
Waters, Joseph |
Waters, R |
Waterson, J |
Watson, John |
Watson, W |
Walton, Liverpool |
Born in Spennymoor |
Waugh, Christopher |
Waugh, Nicholas |
Weldon, Frank |
Welford, A H |
Welford, R B |
Welsh, Arthur |
Welsh, James |
Welsh, James |
Welsh, John |
Welsh, T A |
West, M |
Wheatley, Robert William |
White, Charles |
White, G P |
White, J |
White, J D |
White, J T |
White, W |
Whitehead, Daniel |
Whitehouse, Clarence |
Wiggington, S |
Wigham, J J |
Wilkin, J |
Wilkinson, George |
Wilkinson, J W |
Wilkinson, Reuben |
Wilkinson, Herbert |
Williams, E W |
Williams, Francis James Hamer |
Williams, H |
Williams, J |
Willis, R C |
Wilson, C T |
Wilson, E J |
Wilson, J |
Wilson, T |
? |
Born in Spennymoor |
Wilson, William |
Winde, J J |
Wood, G E |
Woodhall, James Murray |
Woodhall, M |
Wraith, Alfred Osborn |
South Africa |
Of Spennymoor |
Young, W |
ASC - Army Service Corps
DaW - Durham at War
CWGC - Commonwealth War Graves Commission - Search for War Dead
FG - Find a Grave - Find a Grave
DLI - Durham Light Infantry
IWM - Imperial War Museums
KIA - Killed in Action
KRRC - King's Royal Rifle Corps
NEWMP - North-East War Memorials Project
NF - Northumberland Fusiliers
RFA - Royal Field Artillery
RND - Royal Naval Division
YR - Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own Yorkshire Regiment