Topics > Northumberland > Fowberry
Fowberry is a hamlet situated by the River Till in Northumberland, located about 3 miles east of Wooler and a mile north-west of Chatton. There was once a more substantial village here, first recorded in 1242, but this suffered a major raid by the Scots in 1532. There was a pele tower here, incorporated into a lager tower house by the Fowberry family in the 16th century. Fowberry Tower was purchased by Sir Francis Blake in 1776 and remodelled and extended into a large country house. The Blake family sold Fowberry Tower to Matthew Culley (1st secretary to the Board of Agriculture) in 1809, who built Fowberry Bridge in 1825. As well as Fowberry Tower and it's former Stable Block there are cottages and two former gatehouses in the settlement. Historically, Fowberry was a township in the ancient parih of Chatton. Today, Fowberry is part of Tillside Civil Parish.
FOWBERRY, a township, in the parish of Chatton, union of Glendale, E. division of Glendale ward, N. division of Northumberland, 3 miles (E.N.E.) from Wooler; comprising about 1,260 acres of land. Good freestone is obtained in Fowberry Park, and a considerable quantity of wood is grown on the estate. Fowberry Tower, standing pleasantly on the south side of the Till rivulet, was formerly the property of Sir Francis [Blake]*, of whom it was purchased by Matthew Culley, Esq. The tithes have been commuted for £150 payable to the impropriators, and £79. 7. 4. to the vicar. In 1532 this place was plundered by the Scots.
Extract from: A Topographical Dictionary of England comprising the several counties, cities, boroughs, corporate and market towns, parishes, and townships..... 7th Edition, by Samuel Lewis, London, 1848.
*The text from Lewis 1848 states "Sir Francis Drake", but that is almost certainly a mistake! All other sources refer to "Sir Francis Blake". For example, see the listing for the Blake family of Twizel Castle in Debretts Baronetage of England, 1824, which lists the seats of Sir Francis Blake as Twizel Castle and Fowberry Tower.

Fowberry (Tillside)
- "This is the site of the deserted medieval village of Fowberry. It was first mentioned in an historical document of 1242. It decreased greatly in size and by 1769 it …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Fowberry (Tillside)
- "This is the site of the deserted medieval village of Fowberry. It was first mentioned in an historical document of 1242. It decreased greatly in size and by 1769 it …
Added by
Simon Cotterill