Topics > Northumberland > Duddo > Duddo Stone Circle
Duddo Stone Circle

Duddo Five Stones is a stone circle north of Duddo in North Northumberland, approximately 4miles (6km) South of the Scottish Border. The stones were known as the Four Stones until 1903, when the fifth stone was re-erected to improve the skyline. There were originally seven stones, the empty sockets of two stones being found on the western side during excavation in the 1890s
The stones themselves are a soft sandstone and have become deeply fissured by natural weathering since erection in the Early Bronze Age approximately 4000 years ago
The site of the Duddo Stones offers panoramic views of the Cheviot Hills to the South and the Lammermuir Hills to the north
The circle is accessible via the B5364 road, through a gate and up a path. The stones are on private land with no formal right-of way, but the landowner has cleared a permissive path across the field to the stones.
Visit the page: Duddo Five Stones for references and further details. You can contribute to this article on Wikipedia.

from https://www.historicengland.o…
Duddo stone circle, 800m north east of Grindonrigg - List Entry
- "....The monument, also known as Duddo Five Stones, includes a stone circle of Neolithic/Bronze Age date, situated on top of a large knoll overlooking the River Tweed to the west. …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Duddo Five Stones
- "Although shown as 'Duddo Four Stones' on the Ordnance Survey 1:25000 map there are in fact five uprights in this stone circle. The OS seem to have kept the descriptive …
Added by
Peter Smith

from https://www.historicengland.o…
Duddo stone circle, 800m north east of Grindonrigg - List Entry
- "....The monument, also known as Duddo Five Stones, includes a stone circle of Neolithic/Bronze Age date, situated on top of a large knoll overlooking the River Tweed to the west. …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Duddo Five Stones
- "Although shown as 'Duddo Four Stones' on the Ordnance Survey 1:25000 map there are in fact five uprights in this stone circle. The OS seem to have kept the descriptive …
Added by
Peter Smith
Wikipedia: Duddo Five Stones
Keys to the Past HER: N2344
Grid ref: NT9305743705