Topics > County Durham > Tanfield > Church of St Margaret of Antioch, Tanfield

Church of St Margaret of Antioch, Tanfield

St Margaret's Church, Tanfield"Little is known for certain about the 'early' days of St Margaret's Church, but it is generally believed that St Cuthbert's monks chose Tanfield to hide the saints remains from the invading Danish hordes, around 900AD, long before his remains were buried at Durham. After leaving Tanfield, his monks then moved onto Chester-Le-Street, where they established a new monastery, and a chapel-at-ease in the village of Tanfield. Since then, there have been 3 different churches built on the current site, little is known about the first. The second church suffered terribly at the hands of the Curate of Tanfield, who in 1736 had a coal pit sunk in the church yard, and a drift mine dug under the church itself. He hoped to pocket the proceeds from his mine. An enquiry was held, and work on the mine stopped. But the mining activities must have caused such severe damaged to the church that a new church was constructed, and completed in 1749...." (Church Website). The church is a Grade II listed building on the National Heritage List for England.
Tanfield Saint Cuthbert (634-687) Churches and Cathedrals Grade II Listed Historic Buildings and Monuments in Stanley 1749
from Geograph (geograph)
St. Margaret's Church, Tanfield

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
from Geograph (geograph)
Church of St Margaret of Antioch, Tanfield

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
CHURCH OF ST MARGARET - Tanfield - List Entry
- "Parish church. Nave dated 1749, tower dated 1853, chancel dated 1864, remodelling dated 1878, the latter by Austin, Johnson and Hicks (brass panel in tower describes it as 'remodelled, restored, …

Added by
Simon Cotterill
St. Margaret's Church, Tanfield
- Website of the church; includes a history section: "...Little is known for certain about the 'early' days of St Margaret's Church, but it is generally believed that St Cuthbert's monks …

Added by
Simon Cotterill
from Geograph (geograph)
The tower of St Margaret's, Tanfield

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
from Geograph (geograph)
Houses adjacent to graveyard at Tanfield

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
from Geograph (geograph)
Path among gravestones at churchyard in Tanfield

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
Facebook - St. Margaret's Church, Tanfield
- Facebook pages of St. Margaret's Church, Tanfield

Added by
Simon Cotterill


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List number: 1240887
List grade: 2
County: County Durham
Post code: DH9 9PX
Grid ref: NZ1876355478


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