Topics > Tyne and Wear > Gateshead > Chopwell > Church of St. John the Evangelist, Chopwell
Church of St. John the Evangelist, Chopwell
The Church of St. John the Evangelist in Chopwell opened in 1909. It replaced an existing smaller church, as the parish population had expanded rapidy with the opening of Chopwell Collierly by the Consett Iron Company.[1] The church was built in 1907-9, largely by voluntary local labour, with only the masons being paid workers. The Clerk of Works was the Colliery Manager, and the stonemen from the colliery quarried the stone in their spare time. The villagers also raised fundes for the church.[2]

from https://sitelines.newcastle.g…
Tyne and Wear HER(7423): Chopwell, Church of St. John the Evangelist
- "This beautifully finished and well-kept turn of the 20th century rural church is in snecked, tooled, golden sandstone with ashlar details. Below the small bell turret the stonework advances, giving …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

  Co-Curate Page
Chopwell Colliery (1781 - 1966)
- Chopwell Colliery opened in 1781, owned by Marquis of Bute (though coal had been worked in Chopwell since the 14th century). In 1890 the colliery was taken over by the …

from https://sitelines.newcastle.g…
Tyne and Wear HER(7423): Chopwell, Church of St. John the Evangelist
- "This beautifully finished and well-kept turn of the 20th century rural church is in snecked, tooled, golden sandstone with ashlar details. Below the small bell turret the stonework advances, giving …
Added by
Simon Cotterill