Topics > Tees Valley > Stillington > Church of St John the Divine, Stillington
Church of St John the Divine, Stillington

from https://www.historicengland.o…
CHURCH OF ST JOHN THE BAPTIST - Stillington - List Entry
- "1872. Strongly red brick with sparse stone dressings and high pitched slated roof. Early English style. Nave with south aisle, transept (containing vestry) and porch. One-bay chancel. Just west of …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

St John's, Stillington
- Five Anglican Churches working together. "St John’s is a distinctive red brick church in keeping with the character of the Victorian portions of this industrial village, but surrounded by newer …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://www.historicengland.o…
CHURCH OF ST JOHN THE BAPTIST - Stillington - List Entry
- "1872. Strongly red brick with sparse stone dressings and high pitched slated roof. Early English style. Nave with south aisle, transept (containing vestry) and porch. One-bay chancel. Just west of …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

St John's, Stillington
- Five Anglican Churches working together. "St John’s is a distinctive red brick church in keeping with the character of the Victorian portions of this industrial village, but surrounded by newer …
Added by
Simon Cotterill