Topics > County Durham > Edmundbyers > Church of St. Edmund, Edmundbyers
Church of St. Edmund, Edmundbyers

from Geograph (geograph)
St. Edmund's Church, Edmondbyers - stained glass window
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

CHURCH OF ST EDMUND - Edmondbyers - List Entry
- "Parish church; C12 and later, restored c.1859. Sandstone rubble with ashlar dressings; east wall thin courses of squared stone; quoins. Stone-flagged roof with stone gable copings. 4-bay nave with south …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

St. Edmund's Parish Church, Edmundbyers
- "St Edmund's Church was built around AD1100, though there may have been an earlier Anglo-Saxon church on the site. The church is believed to have been in ruins by the …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Geograph (geograph)
St. Edmund's Church, Edmondbyers - stained glass window
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

CHURCH OF ST EDMUND - Edmondbyers - List Entry
- "Parish church; C12 and later, restored c.1859. Sandstone rubble with ashlar dressings; east wall thin courses of squared stone; quoins. Stone-flagged roof with stone gable copings. 4-bay nave with south …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

St. Edmund's Parish Church, Edmundbyers
- "St Edmund's Church was built around AD1100, though there may have been an earlier Anglo-Saxon church on the site. The church is believed to have been in ruins by the …
Added by
Simon Cotterill
List number: 1229331
List grade: 2
County: County Durham
Keys to the Past HER: D36981
Post code: NZ0144149917
List grade: 2
County: County Durham
Keys to the Past HER: D36981
Post code: NZ0144149917