Topics > Cumbria > Haverthwaite > Church of St Anne, Haverthwaite
Church of St Anne, Haverthwaite
St Anne's Church is located on Old Barrow Road in Haverthwaite. It was originally built in 1825 as a chapel of ease to Holy Trinity Church in Colton. The church is Grade II listed on the National Heritage List for England.

from https://stanneshaverthwaite.o…
St Anne's Haverthwaite
- Official Website of the church. ".....
A Vibrant Church South Lakes UK, St Anne's Haverthwaite; the Anglican Parish Church for the 'township' of Haverthwaite in South Lakeland Cumbria UK. Since …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Geograph (geograph)
War Memorial, St Anne Haverthwaite: mid February 2015
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

CHURCH OF ST ANNE - Haverthwaite - List Entry
- "Church. 1824-5. Stone rubble with slate roof. Single-vessel nave and chancel with west tower and vestries, 5-bay nave has pointed windows with plaster surrounds and fixed wooden glazing in Y-tracery …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://stanneshaverthwaite.o…
St Anne's Haverthwaite
- Official Website of the church. ".....
A Vibrant Church South Lakes UK, St Anne's Haverthwaite; the Anglican Parish Church for the 'township' of Haverthwaite in South Lakeland Cumbria UK. Since …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Geograph (geograph)
War Memorial, St Anne Haverthwaite: mid February 2015
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

CHURCH OF ST ANNE - Haverthwaite - List Entry
- "Church. 1824-5. Stone rubble with slate roof. Single-vessel nave and chancel with west tower and vestries, 5-bay nave has pointed windows with plaster surrounds and fixed wooden glazing in Y-tracery …
Added by
Simon Cotterill