Topics > Tyne and Wear > Newcastle upon Tyne > Blucher
Blucher is a former pit village in Newcastle, about half a mile east of Walbottle. The village grew up around Blucher Pit, which was part of Walbottle Colliery, and named after the Prussian Field Marshal von Blücher - an ally of the Duke of Wellington in the victory over Napoleon in the Battle of Warterloo in 1815. George Stephenson also named one of his early locomotives "Blücher" after von Blücher. The Methodist Church in the village of Blucher was dedicated to Stephenson. Blucher Pit closed in 1956.

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
035071:Blucher Methodist Church Blucher Unknown 1977
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

  Co-Curate Page
- Overview About Walbottle Map Street View Walbottle is a village in Tyne and Wear. It is a western suburb of Newcastle upon Tyne. The village name, recorded in 1176 …

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
McKay, James - N.F - Blucher Colliery - Wounded
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
035071:Blucher Methodist Church Blucher Unknown 1977
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

  Co-Curate Page
- Overview About Walbottle Map Street View Walbottle is a village in Tyne and Wear. It is a western suburb of Newcastle upon Tyne. The village name, recorded in 1176 …

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
McKay, James - N.F - Blucher Colliery - Wounded
Pinned by Simon Cotterill