Topics > Carlisle > Upperby > Upperby Township, 1848
Upperby Township, 1848
UPPERBY, a township, in the parish of St. Cuthbert, Carlisle, union of Carlisle, Cumberland ward, E. division of Cumberland, 1¾ mile (S.E. by S.) from Carlisle; containing 471 inhabitants, chiefly employed in the manufacture of linen. The Lancaster and Carlisle railway passes close by. A church, built by subscription, was consecrated in June 1846, for the inhabitants of this and other out-townships of the parish. The venerable incumbent of St. Cuthbert's, the Rev. John Fawcett, author of some popular family sermons, was active in promoting its erection. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the Incumbent of St. Cuthbert's.
Extract from: A Topographical Dictionary of England comprising the several counties, cities, boroughs, corporate and market towns, parishes, and townships..... 7th Edition, by Samuel Lewis, London, 1848.