Topics > Tyne and Wear > North Tyneside > Tynemouth > Tynemouth Parish, 1855
Tynemouth Parish, 1855
Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855.
TYNEMOUTH parish is bounded on the north and west by the parishes or Earsdon, Long Benton, and Wallsend, on the south by the river Tyne, and on the east by the German Ocean. It comprises the townships of Chirton, Cullercoats, Monskeaton, Murton or Moortown, North Shields, Preston, Tynemouth, and Whitley, whose united area is 7,222 statute acres. The population in 1801, was 14,345; in 1811, 19,042; in 1821, 24,820; in 1831, 24,778; in 1841, 27,249; and in 1851, it had increased to 30,524 souls. The surface is generally level, consisting of a strong soil, well suited for the growth of beans and wheat. Coal and ironstone are abundant, and the only magnesian limestone in the county is found in this parish. Three moors, known respectively by the names of Tynemouth Moor, Shire Moor, and Billy Mill Moor, and containing together an area of 1,300 acres, were divided and enclosed, under the authority of acts of parliament, obtained in the reign of George III.
TYNEMOUTH and NORTH SHIELDS form a corporate and parliamentary borough and seaport, at the mouth of the river Tyne, on its northern bank, eight miles east north-east from Newcastle. The area of the township of North Shields, inclusive of Cullercoats and Philadelphia village, amounts to 1,018 acres; its population in 1801, was 7,280; in 1811, 7,699; in 1821,. 8,205; in 1831, 6,744; in 1841, 7,509; and in 1851, 8,882 souls. Tynemouth township contains 1,871 acres, and the number of its inhabitants in 1801, was 3,856; in 1811, 5,843; in l821, 9,454; in 1831, 10,182; in 1841, 11,854; and in 1851, it had increased to 14,493 souls. As a great portion of the town stretches into the adjoining townships of Tynemouth, Preston, and Chirton, the two latter of which will be found noticed separately, we will here describe the townships of North Shields and Tynemouth as one undivided town, extending eastward from Milburn-place, to the Low Lights, and northward from the river to the Newcastle and Tynemouth turnpike-road, the whole including an area containing upwards of 4,000 houses. The old part of it is in the township of North Shields. Within less than a century this was "a poor miserable place," containing scarcely a single house roofed with tiles, and none slated. It has, nevertheless, sprung up into a large, populous, and flourishing town, with many handsome streets, squares, and public buildings, a commodious market-place, and a harbour capable of containing 2,000 vessels, many of those arriving at Shields, both north and south, being destined for the Newcastle trade, but being of such burden as to prevent their proceeding up the river to Newcastle. The Tyne mouth forms a safe haven of sufficient depth to suit vessels of any tonnage except on the bar of sand which crosses it, where there is little more than seven feet depth of water at the ebb. On the west side of this barrier there are many dangerous rocks, rendering three lighthouses necessary for the safety of the harbour. That called the Low Light is situated near Clifford's Fort, a battery which effectually commands the entrance to the river. There are two other lights, one on the bank opposite Dockwray-square, and the other on the cliff on the north-east side of Tynemouth Castle. North Shields possesses a spacious quay, and is provided with everything essential to the expeditious discharge and loading of the vessels. The coal trade has contributed greatly to the wealth, importance, and population of the town, which, having been created a distinct port some five years ago, bids fair to become one of the most thriving places in the kingdom. The principal manufactures are those connected with the supply of the shipping in the port and in the ship-building yards, but there are considerable manufactories of chemical substances, tobacco, hats, gloves, etc. The market is held on Saturday, and there are annual fairs on the last Friday in April, and the first Friday in November.
Tynemouth village is situated on a kind of promontory, jutting out into the sea, and forms a sort of overhanging boundary to the mouth of the Tyne. It consists principally of one good street, leading east and west, crossed by some smaller streets at right angles to the principal one. The chief source of its present importance is the Prior's Haven, which, being sheltered by an amphitheatre of rocks, forms one of the best bathing places on the eastern coast. The houses are for the most part well built, and during the bathing season we have all the usual finery, and pleasantry, and liveliness of a fashionable ·watering-place.
Tynemouth owes its origin to the religious spirit of our ancestors, and can boast of a far more ancient history than its neighbour North Shields. Tradition informs us that a priory was erected here by St. Oswald, King of Northumbria although some authorities mention its foundation in connexion with the name of King Egfrid. It is known, however, that St. Herebald was abbot here in the beginning of the eighth century. The priory was plundered by the Danes three several times, before and during the reign of Athelstan. Shortly after the Norman conquest, the priory was restored by Tostig, Earl of Northumberland, whose successor, Waltheof, about 1074, gave it with all its possessions, to the monks of Jarrow, and it shortly afterwards became a cell to the Church of Durham, but was subsequently transferred to St. Alban's, in Hertfordshire. During the rebellion of Earl Mowbray, in 1095, the priory was besieged by Rufus, who reduced it to a ruin, but it was rebuilt in 1110, and in 1121, the monks of Durham made a fruitless attempt to recover it from St. Alban's abbey. In subsequent ages the priory enjoyed considerable wealth, no fewer than twenty-seven manors in Northumberland, with their loyalties, and other valuable lands and tenements, having belonged to it. The small monastery on Coquet Island was a cell to this house. The annual revenue of the priory, at the time of the suppression of the religious houses, was £396 1Os. 6d., or according to Speed £511 4s. 1d. The possessions of this venerable establishment were granted by Edward VI, in 1550, to the Earl of Warwick, but, on the attainder of that nobleman, they reverted to the Crown. The church continued to be parochial until 1657, when, in consequence of its dilapidated state, it was considered requisite to erect a new church at North Shields, and since the period just mentioned, the ancient structure has suffered considera1ly from the corroding hand of time. The lofty position which the priory occupies, renders its ruins visible far out at sea. The fine old windows of the Priory Church present graceful examples of the early English style of pointed architecture, and the crumbling ruins around it show that the priory must have been a place of vast extent. It must be confessed, however, that the appropriation of the partially-restored ruin as a magazine for military stores, and of the old tower as a barrack for the site of the priory belongs to the crown, although the Duke of Northumberland is lord of the Manor of Tynemouth.
North Shields is scarcely mentioned in our early history, and is indebted for its origin to the priors of Tynemouth, who endeavoured, by every means in their power, to raise a town upon the northern bank of the Tyne. In this undertaking they were most strenuously opposed by the burgesses of Newcastle, who, in 1280, summoned the prior of Tynemouth before John Delaval, the King's justice itinerant, to show cause why he had raised a town at Shields, consisting of twenty-six houses, inhabited by fishermen, bakers, and brewers, from whom he received a considerable income. He was also charged with allowing ships to load and unload, and that he encouraged several branches of trade, with many other charges of a similar nature. The prior made an able defence, but the jury found that he had built a town upon the northern shore of the Tyne, where no town ought to stand, but only huts for fishermen. The prior's four ovens at Shields were fined five marks, and both Shields and Tynemouth were forbidden to hold fair or market, or to expose for sale, meat, drink, or other articles. Previous to this trial the prior had “sixteen great fishing busses," and his town of Shields was rich enough to send to sea two hundred vessels. Shortly after the above trial the prior had to remove, at his own expense, the quay which he had caused to be erected. The spirit of monopoly was long cherished by Newcastle, and it was not till 1804 that the inhabitants of Shields and Tynemouth obtained the privilege of a public market.
THE PARISH, or CHRIST'S CHURCH, Preston Lane, was erected about the middle of the seventeenth century. It was originally constructed of brick, but, in 1792, it was almost entirely re-built of stone, and a steeple was also erected. At present it is a plain commodious structure, capable of accommodating about 2,000 persons. The parish register commences in 1607. The living, a discharged vicarage in the archdeaconry of Northumberland and deanery of Newcastle, is valued in the Liber Regis at £24. 19s. 4d.; gross income, £298. Patron, the Duke of Northumberland. Vicar, the Rev. Christopher Reed; curates, the Revs. John W. Taft, John H. Blunt, and Matthew Atkinson.
HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, Collingwood-street, is attended by the clergymen of Christ's Church.
ST. CUTHBERT's CATHOLIC CHURCH, Bedford-street, is an elegant stone edifice in the Gothic style. It was erected in 1820-21, and was opened on the 21st of June of the latter year, by the Right Rev. Thomas Smith, Bishop of Bolina, and Vicar Apostolic of the Northern District, assisted by a large number of clergymen. The Presbytery adjoining the church is a handsome stone building. The Rev. Thomas Gillow, is the present priest.
THE SCOTCH CHURCH, Howard-street, is a handsome stone structure in the Grecian Doric style of architecture, erected in 1811, at a cost of £2,275. Rev. W. Reive minister. THE WESLEYAN CHAPEL, Howard street, is a spacious brick building, possessing accommodation for about 2,000 persons. It was erected in 1807, at a cost of £2,500. THE WESLEYAN (NEW CONNEXION) CHAPEL, Linskill street, is a good stone edifice, erected in 1836, at a cost of £1,200, This denomination possesses another chapel in South-street. THE INDEPENDENT CHAPEL, Camden-street, was erected in 1817, by a body of seceders from the Scotch Church, Howard-street. It is a fine stone structure, and will accommodate about 800 persons. Rev. Archibald Jack, minister. THE BAPTIST CHAPEL, Howard-street, is a neat stone building in the Norman style, erected in 1846, at an expense of £1,200. It possesses sittings for 700 persons. Rev. John D. Carrick, minister. THE UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHAPEL, Norfolk-street, is a plain brick edifice, capable of accommodating about 450 persons. A piece of ground, in Norfolk-street, has been purchased by this congregation, who purpose erecting a new and more commodious place of worship. Rev. H. E. Fraser, minister. In addition to the above, the Wesleyan Reformers have a place of worship in Norfolk-street, the Primitive Methodists possess one in Union-street, the Friends have a meeting house in Ropery Banks, and there is a French Chapel in Stephenson-street.
ROYAL JUBILEE SCHOOL. This establishment is situated in Albion street, and is a large brick edifice, with residences for the teachers attached. It wlls erected by subscription in 1810, under the patronage of the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland, and is supported by voluntary subscriptions and donations. It is attended by about three hundred children of both sexes. Thomas Haswell, Judith Murray, and Rosamond Harrison, teachers.
KETTLEWELL’S SCHOOL is situated in George-street, and is a handsome stone, building in the Egyptian style of architecture. It was founded in 1824, by the will of Mr. Thomas Kettlewell, who directed that the government should be vested in eight trustees, with the right of appointing and removing the master. By the deed of foundation the instruction to be imparted, is described as "such useful knowledge and learning as the trustees should deem prudent” and the establishment is to be free to poor children belonging to, or residing in the parish, with preference to orphans. The income is derived from dividends, which produced, at the time of the Charity Commissioners' Report £111 12s. per annum. About two-hundred boys are taught reading, writing and accounts, and some of them Latin. Henry Johnson, teacher.
HOLY TRINITY SCHOOL is a good stone building, situated in Collingwood street, near the church, and has an average daily attendance of three-hundred pupils. Robert Bone and Margaret Dunn, teachers.
CATHOLIC SCHOOL, Nelson-street, was erected in 1840. It is a neat stone edifice, and is attended by about one hundred and thirty children. Thomas McKenzie, teacher.
In addition to these schools there are the Girls' Union School, Norfolk· street, Jane Hall, teacher; the Industry and Infant School, Norfolk-street, Mary Hobson, teacher; the Scotch Church, National Schools, Howard-street, John Mavor and D. Sharp teachers ; besides numerous private schools, for which see Directory.
The public buildings and institutions of this borough are as numerous and as elegant as those of any other town of the same class. Among its many institutions the first place is due to the DISPENSARY, which was established, in 1802, "for the relief of the lame and the sick poor of North Shields and Tynemouth," and is entirely supported by bequests, donations, and subscriptions. Since the institution of this meritorious establishment, at the period above mentioned, it has rendered incalculable benefits to the poor of the town and neighbourhood. The Duke of Northumberland is patron, Wm. Linskill, Esq., and the Rev. Christopher Reed, presidents; Joseph Laing, Esq., Thos. Fenwick, Esq., and E. J. Collingwood, Esq., vice-presidents; Mr. Mayson, honorary secretary. For surgeons, etc., see Directory.
THE MASTER MARINERS' ASYLUM is pleasantly situated on Tynemouth Road. It is a stone structure in the Elizabethan style, and was erected in 1837-8, at a cost of £5,100. The Duke of Northumberland gave the site, and a large quantity of the materials employed in the construction of the edifice. It will accommodate eighteen men and their wives, as also fourteen widows, and at present (1854) is fully occupied. A full length statue of the Duke of Northumberland, occupies a niche in the front of the building. Mr. Robert Popplewell, secretary.
The town possesses several well conducted benefit societies, among which the following deserve particular notice, viz. ; "The Good Design Association" for the relief of shipwrecked mariners, etc.; the "Loyal Standard Association” for the mutual relief of sailors, etc., in case of shipwreck or other disasters; and the "Shipwrecked Fishermen's and Mariners' Society." The offices, etc., of the above, and other societies, will be found in the Directory.
THE SAVINGS' BANK, Saville-street, is a provident institution, which affords a safe and profitable investment for the savings of the industrious classes. Samuel J. Tibbs, actuary.
THE HOUSE OF CORRECTION is a plain stone building situated in Tynemouth Road, and serves as a place of temporary confinement for prisoners previous to their removal to the county jail at Morpeth. John Wood, keeper.
THE CUSTOM HOUSE is situated on the New Quay. R. S. Kilgour, collector; James Turner, comptroller and landing surveyor.
THE TOWN HALL, Saville-street, is a fine stone edifice, erected in 1844, at an expense of £800, and comprises the usual corporate offices, as also the county court, police station, etc. Robert Mitchell, superintendent of police.
THE BATHS AND WASH HOUSES are situated in Saville-street and Church Way, on a piece of ground belonging to the Duke of Northumberland. They were erected during the present year (1854), from a design by Messrs. Ashpitel and Whichcord, of London. The south end of the building comprises the two principal entrances, an office, and apartments above for the residence of the superintendent. The whole of the baths and wash-houses are upon one floor. The furnaces, boilers, and hot air apparatus are below the ground level, and the requisite conducting pipes are carried from these to all parts of the building. The largest room in the place is the wash-house department, which contains twenty distinct recesses, ten being ranged along each -side wall, all open in front, but separated from each other, by a partition six and half feet high, the floor area of each being five feet by four, and the space above the partitions open up to the roof. Every washing apartment is furnished with three wooden troughs, all framed together, one for boiling the clothes, a second for washing, and a third for rinsing them. Against the wall, extending through the whole range, are three pipes, from which are taps to supply hot and cold water and steam, the boiling process in one of the tubs being kept up by a jet from the steam pipe passing constantly into it. Down the middle of the room there is a double range of drying closets, back to back, corresponding in number with the washing apartments. The closets are furnished with galvanized iron rods to hang clothes on, which will be dried by heated air coming up through iron gratings in the floor. On a line with the wash-house, in a separate apartment, there are four second-class baths for women, one of which can be used as a shower bath. The east entrance from the front leads to an apartment with two first-class baths for women, one of which is also a shower bath. The other front entrance leads to two separate apartments, one containing seven second-class baths for men; the other containing three first-class. There is a vapour bath in one of these apartments, which can be used as a shower bath also. On the whole, the arrangements are most admirable, and the manner in which the work has been executed reflects great credit on the contractors, Messrs. Rutter and Towns, of North Shields, for the builders' work; and Mr. Thomas Potter, of London, who had the engineers' work. David Matthew, superintendent.
There are also extensive baths at the Prior's Haven, Tynemouth, and an old establishment, for slipper and shower baths, at the Low Lights,
BANKS. THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND is situated in Howard-street. P. A. Dodds, manager. This establishment draws upon the London Joint Stock Bank, Princess-street, London. The NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM DISTIUCT BANK is in Camden-street. Robert Milburn, manager. This house draws upon Barclay, Bevin, & Co., Lombard-street, London. THE UNION BANK is situated in Howard-street. Robert Foster, manager. It draws upon the Union Bank, Princess-street, London. The business hours of the above establishments are from ten a.m. to three p.m., except on Fridays when they close at one p.m.
The BOROUGH OF TYNEMOUTH GAS COMPANY possess works at the Low Lights, and Northumberland-street, the former of which were established in 1802, at an expense of £5,000, since which time their efficiency has been much increased. The offices of the company are situated in Bedford-street, W. H. Atkinson, secretary.
THE POST OFFICE is situated in Camden-street, John Hume, postmaster. There are receiving houses at the Bull Ring, Tyne-street, and Russell-street.
THE RAILWAY STATION is in Little Bedford-street. Trains pass ten or twelve times daily for Newcastle and Tynemouth. The Blyth and Tyne Railway Company, have a station at Percy Main. Robert Snowdon, station master. The York, Newcastle, and Berwick Railway Company, have also a separate station at the same place. James Doherty, station master.
THE TEMPERANCE HALL, OR ATHENEUM, Norfolk-street, was erected in 1845,. at a cost of £1,200. It is a fine commodious edifice, containing a museum, meeting-room, and various offices.
THE REGISTRAR's OFFICE is situated in Saville-street, and is a fine stone building in the Gothic style, erected in 1837, at a cost of £800. It contains the Savings' Bank’s and Guardians' Meeting-room. S. J. Tibbs, clerk, and superintendent registrar. There are in Shields many other offices, etc. which our space will not permit us to particularise, they will be found in their proper places in the Directory.
THE TYNEMOUTH LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, Howard-street, was established in November 1835. In consequence of the North Shields Subscription Library having been for some time in a declining state, through a deficiency of adequate support, it was resolved to alter its mode of operation, and to form the above society, which now possesses a good library of 6,000 volumes, and a museum, in addition to which lectures are delivered, from ~ time to time, on literary and scientific subjects. It is open every day (Sundays excepted) from ten a.m. to one p.m. and again from six to ten p.m. Patron. the Duke of Northumberland; Vice Patrons, Matthew Bell, Esq. and Samuel Ogle. Esq.; Secretary, J. P. Dodd, L.L.D.; Librarian, John Robson. There is another Library in Tyne-street, called the "Tradesmen's and Mechanics’ Library." The town also possesses two news-rooms, the "Commercial News-room," Tyne-street, G. L. Dobinson, secretary; and the "Tyne News-room," in Dockwray-street, G. Robson, secretary.
THE THEATRE ROYAL is situated in Union-street. It is a fine commodious building, well adapted for the purposes to which it is applied. The internal arrangements and decorations, are in good taste, and are scarcely surpassed by any provincial theatre. Samuel Roxby, lessee and manager.
THE OLD ASSEMBLY ROOMs are at the George Tavern, King-street.
THE ALBION ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Norfolk-street, North Shields, form a handsome structure of polished ashlar, in a very ornamental style of architecture, consisting of an addition to the Albion Hotel, in the above street, and three shops with extensive cellars underneath. The fronts of these shops are very ornate, with arched tops, carved caps, consols, etc., and each window is filled with one square of plate glass, which adds much to the general appearance. Above the shops, and extending the entire length of the building, is a large hall eighty-four feet six inches in length, by thirty-six feet in breadth, and nearly thirty feet in height. The interior is finished in a bold, ornamental style, the walls are panelled with wood to the height of six feet, and behind this panelling a current of fresh air is allowed to pass, which can be regulated to any extent, thus making adequate provision for the requisite ventilation. The windows are lofty and circular, and between them are pilasters with carved caps, having a truss running up to meet the moulded beams which divide the ceiling into compartments. These are divided into panels, and give to the ceiling a very rich appearance, In each compartment of the ceiling, a ventilator is placed, filled in with a neat ornamental centre flower. The cornice is very bold having cantilevers, and the frieze a running flower or scroll. There are three very handsome stone fire places, ornamented with pilasters, carved caps, and trusses. The jambs are arched, the keystone being a finely executed lion's head, and the spandrils are filled in with a carved device of the rose, thistle, and shamrock. The staircase is very spacious, and above it is a gallery or orchestra, capable of accommodating upwards of one hundred persons. The hall is lighted with four circular chandeliers, designed expressly for the purpose by the architect, and constructed by Messrs. Glaholm, of Newcastle. These chandeliers have each sixty jets, and when lighted must present a magnificent appearance. The whole of the works are well executed and reflect the highest credit upon the several parties who have been emp1oyed in their execution. The building is the property of Messrs. Carr, Ormston, and Carr, of the Low Lights. The mason work and carving were done by Mr. J. Ridley Robson, and the joiner work by Mr. Thomas Dawson, both of North Shields, the plastering by Mr. James Aitken, and the wood-carving by Mr. Jobson of Newcastle. The whole has been executed from designs furnished by Mr. J. E. Watson, architect, of Newcastle.
THE NORTH SHIELDS AND TYNEMOUTH CRICKET CLUB, for the practice of the manly, invigorating, and truly English game of cricket, is under the patronage of the Duke of Northumberland. The cricket ground is situated in Preston Lane.
THE TYNEMOUTH POOR LAW UNION comprises 30 parishes and townships including an area of 39,737 statute acres, and a population in 1851 of 64,248 souls. The parishes and townships are Backworth, Bebside, Blyth (South) and Newsham, Burradon, Chirton, Cowpen, Cramlingtou, Cullercoats, Earsdon, Hartford (East), Hartford (West), Hartley, Holywell, Horton, Howden Pans, Killingworth, Long Benton, Monkseaton, Murton, North Shields, Philadelphia, Preston, Seaton Delaval, Sighill, Tynemouth, Walker, Wallsend, Weetslade, Willington, and Whitley. THE UNION WORKHOUSE is situated in Preston Lane. John Tinley, Esq., chairman; Cuthbert Hunter, Esq., vice-chairman; J. R. Owen, surgeon; Samuel James Tibbs, clerk; John Johnson, master; Hannah Johnson, matron.
THE COUNTY COURT, for the recovery of debts under £50. is held once a month, at the Town Hall, Saville Street. James Losh, Esq., judge. Office, Tyne Street, Henry Ingledew, Esq, clerk.
GOVERNMENT AND FRANCHISE - Tynemouth and North were enfranchised by the Reform Act, and now return one member to the Imperial Parliament. The borough consists of the townships of Chirton, North Shields, Preston, Tynemouth, and Cullercoats. The area of the borough is 5,161 statute acres, and its population, in 1851, was 29,170 souls. Courts Leet, Baron and Customary of the lord of the manor, are held here by prescription, and are of very ancient date. Jurisdiction is held in all actions of a personal nature of debt, trespass, and replevin, where the sum claimed is under forty shillings. The court may be held from three weeks to three weeks, but has only been held twice a year, at Easter and Michaelmas, A charter of incorporation has been granted to Tynemouth, which is now for municipal purposes, divided into three wards, called respectively North Shields, Tynemouth, and Percy Wards. Six aldermen and eighteen councillors have been appointed for its government, and a commission of the peace has also been granted. The parliamentary and municipal boroughs are coextensive. William Shaw Lindsay, Esq. is the present member.
CHARITIES. Besides the charity schools, this parish possesses the following bequests and donations. A rent charge of £20 per annum, left by Sir Mark Milbank, who directed that £2 thereof should be paid to the vicar, and the residue to the poor of the parish. Eleanor Wilson, in 1703, left £25 for the poor of the same place. William Raper left the sum of £30, the interest of which was to be devoted to the poor of the parish. George Crawford, in 1811, bequeathed the dividends on £700, three per cent. consols, for the poor of the village of Tynemouth. George Milburn left ten shillings a year to be paid to the poor of the township of Chirton, at Easter, and Margaret Richardson, by her will, bearing the date 3rd April, 1788, bequeathed £466 13s. 4d. East India annuities, to the poor of the township of North Shields.
JOHN HUME, Postmaster.
Town Receiving Houses close at 3-50 p.m. and 7·50 p.m.
Letters for first despatch, north, must be posted at chief-office.
MONEY ORDERS granted and paid from 9 a.m. till 4: p.m., and from 4-50 ti116 p.111. Letters registered until within half-an-hour of the closing of the letter-box for each despatch.
- Tynemouth - Directory
- Chirton township
- Cullercoats township
- Monkseaton township
- Murton township
- Preston township
- Whitley township

  Co-Curate Page
Chirton, 1855
- Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855. CHIRTON is a township and village in Tynemouth parish. The township contains 1,730 acres, of which the rateable …

  Co-Curate Page
Cullercoats, 1855
- Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855. CULLERCOATS is a township and village included in the borough or Tynemouth, with which its area is returned. …

  Co-Curate Page
Monkseaton, 1855
- Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855. MONKSEATON is a township and village in Tynemouth parish, containing 1,087 acres, the rateable value of which is …

  Co-Curate Page
Murton Township, 1855
- Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855. MURTON or MOORTOWN is a township and village, comprising an area of 443 acres, the property of Robert …

  Co-Curate Page
Preston, 1855
- Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855. PRESTON is a township and village in the parish of Tynemouth. Its area is 542 acres, and its …

  Co-Curate Page
Whitley township, 1855
- Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855. WHITLEY, a township and village in the parish of Tynemouth, contains 531 acres ,of land, of which the …

  Co-Curate Page
Chirton, 1855
- Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855. CHIRTON is a township and village in Tynemouth parish. The township contains 1,730 acres, of which the rateable …

  Co-Curate Page
Cullercoats, 1855
- Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855. CULLERCOATS is a township and village included in the borough or Tynemouth, with which its area is returned. …

  Co-Curate Page
Monkseaton, 1855
- Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855. MONKSEATON is a township and village in Tynemouth parish, containing 1,087 acres, the rateable value of which is …

  Co-Curate Page
Murton Township, 1855
- Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855. MURTON or MOORTOWN is a township and village, comprising an area of 443 acres, the property of Robert …

  Co-Curate Page
Preston, 1855
- Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855. PRESTON is a township and village in the parish of Tynemouth. Its area is 542 acres, and its …