Topics > Tyne and Wear > Newcastle upon Tyne > Elswick > Elswick Road > Stephenson Library, Elswick Road
Stephenson Library, Elswick Road

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
054668:Elswick Library Elswick Road Elswick Walton Des 1983
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
045928:Elswick Library Elswick Road Elswick City Engineers 1983
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
071365:Elswick Library Elswick Road Elswick City Engineers 1983
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

Tyne and Wear HER(6322): Elswick, Elswick Road, Stephenson Library
- "Shown on 2nd edition Ordnance Survey map. Now a housing office. Known locally as the Stephenson building. Sir W.H. Stephenson (1836-1918) presented the building to the City in 1896 as …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

  Co-Curate Page
William Haswell Stephenson (1836-1918)
- William Haswell Stephenson was an Alderman and Magistrate of Newcastle. During his life he was Sheriff, Mayor of Newcastle (4 times), and Lord Mayor (1909-1910). He was also chairman of …

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
054668:Elswick Library Elswick Road Elswick Walton Des 1983
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
045928:Elswick Library Elswick Road Elswick City Engineers 1983
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
071365:Elswick Library Elswick Road Elswick City Engineers 1983
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

Tyne and Wear HER(6322): Elswick, Elswick Road, Stephenson Library
- "Shown on 2nd edition Ordnance Survey map. Now a housing office. Known locally as the Stephenson building. Sir W.H. Stephenson (1836-1918) presented the building to the City in 1896 as …
Added by
Simon Cotterill