Topics > Tyne and Wear > Sunderland > Washington > Fatfield > St George's Church, Harraton / Fatfield
St George's Church, Harraton / Fatfield
St George's Church is located on Vigo Lane, Harraton, Washington; close to Fatfield. The church was built in 1879 by Austin & Johnson. The church has stained glass, 'the Resurrection' by Henry Dearle, 1921.[1]

Tyne and Wear HER(9724): Harraton, Church of St. George
- "1879 by Austin & Johnson. Stained glass 1921, by Morris & Co; central lights ('the Resurrection') designed by Henry Dearle...."
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from http://www.stgeorgesfatfield.…
St George's Church in Washington
- Official Website of the church. "Your local church serving the villages of Rickleton, Fatfield, Picktree, Mount Pleasant, Harraton and beyond...."
Added by
Simon Cotterill

  Co-Curate Page
- Overview About Harraton Map Street View Harraton is a district of Washington and within the City of Sunderland. Historically, Harraton was a village and township in the ancient Parish of …

Tyne and Wear HER(9724): Harraton, Church of St. George
- "1879 by Austin & Johnson. Stained glass 1921, by Morris & Co; central lights ('the Resurrection') designed by Henry Dearle...."
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from http://www.stgeorgesfatfield.…
St George's Church in Washington
- Official Website of the church. "Your local church serving the villages of Rickleton, Fatfield, Picktree, Mount Pleasant, Harraton and beyond...."
Added by
Simon Cotterill