Topics > Northumberland > Sinderhope
Sinderhope is a village by the River East Allen, located 2 miles south of Allendale Town in Northumberland. The population is spread over a wide area incorporating a number of sheep farms.
Sinderhope is a village situated on the east Allen Valley in south-west Northumberland.
The population is spread over farms in an area approximately 25 square miles. The population is around 80. The mainstay of employment is sheep-farming.
Wildlife is plentiful with many examples of rare birds of Great Britain, such as the black grouse, capercaillie, whimbrel and curlew.
The local beauty spot is a ford with wild flowers and a wood. The area is known as "old man's bottom" for reasons that are unknown.
The whole area is part of the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
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from Allen Valleys Local History (flickr)
Sinderhope March 1996 [0002-189]
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from Allen Valleys Local History (flickr)
Sinderhope March 1996 [0002-189]
Pinned by Simon Cotterill