Whittingham Station
"This picture shows the station as it was in 2008: a Google search reveals that it was sold in 2009 to a chap who is planning to restore it (and the other surviving railway buildings on the site) sympathetically as a home. While this is undoubtedly A Good Thing, I'm glad I saw the place when it looked like this. I only wish I'd been a bit bolder and gone inside for a poke around. Anyway, when I took this the station had been closed to passengers for 78 years. Amazingly, most of the fixtures and fittings seem to have survived all that time, including the ornate cast iron canopy. The station was on the LNER's Alnwick - Cornhill branch, which opened in 1887 and closed completely in 1953. This station was until recently the only unrestored station remaining on the line. There's lots more information at the very wonderful Disused Stations website, to be found at http://www.disused-stations.org.uk/w/whittingham/" Photo by John Winder, 2008. -
John Winder -
Geograph (Geograph) -
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Link: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/4033323
Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 2 months ago
Viewed: 752 times
Picture Taken: 2008-08-28 -
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