5 - Witton Castle
‘The Road to Albalanda’ By Samuel Tuke Richardson of Darlington c.1896 ‘Evading the jibber successfully they were soon after tooling merrily through West Auckland a black & dismal village although it can boast of at least two fine old manor houses but collieries & coke ovens do not lend enchantment to the scene. A dreary road ascended from West Auckland & passing through Toft Hill [where some of the natives wished to stone them] turned north and began to descend to the valley of the Wear where the features of the country greatly improved & they were soon driving through woods of fir & Larch & nearer the river the road skirted the park wall of Witton Castle here the woods were very beautiful & when they drove out onto the bridge a fine view of the Castle [the seat of Mr Henry Chaytor] was obtained. Witton Castle though not a very large place is very picturesquely situated in the undulating park in front, & oak woods behind forming a very pleasing background. They were now approaching the end of their first stage & soon after crossing the Wear Bridge they ascended a very steep hill & found themselves in the village of Witton le Wear. Note: since the above lines were written the venerable owner of Witton Castle has departed this life at the ripe age of 87’. -
Beamish Museum -
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Last modified: 9 years, 5 months ago
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