Norman Keep, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, founded A.D. 1080. The battlement in not original.
Identifier: introductiontost00park_0 Title:">An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture Year:">1877 (">1870s) Authors:">Parker, John Henry, 1806-1884 Subjects:">Architecture, Gothic Publisher:">Oxford: J. Parker and Co. Contributing Library:">Getty Research Institute Digitizing Sponsor:">Getty Research Institute View Book Page:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Book Viewer About This Book:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Catalog Entry View All Images:">All Images From Book Click here to" rel="noreferrer nofollow">view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: churches, both here and in Normandy,for a considerable period. Unfortunately, this model churchhas been almost destroyed. The abbey church at Jumieges deserves to be particularlynoticed, as it is a most interesting ruin, and was consecratedthe year after the Conquest; it is of extremely plain and earlyNorman character, and the capitals are ornamented withpainted foliage of late Norman character; but there are rudevolutes under the plaster of the original early Norman style ^ The most important buildings of the time of the Con-queror and of William Eufus were the Norman castlesor keep-towers, but most of these were rebuilt in thefollowing century. The earliest Norman keep existingis the one built immediately after the Conquest, by f See Jumieges, in Part II. of this Introduction; see also ante,chapter ii. p. 26. 42 THE EARLY NORMAN PERIOD, Gundulph, at Mailing in Kent, miscalled St. Leonardstower (see No. 19There are still some Normankeeps of this period remaining, as London; but Dover Text Appearing After Image: 25. Norman Keep, Newcastle-on-Tyne, founded A.D. 1080.The battlement is not original. and Eochester in Kent, Newcastle in Northumberland,Appleby and Carlisle in Cumberland, Brougham inWestmoreland, Eichmond and Conisborough in York- WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR, 43 shire, Porchester in Hampshire, Guildford in Surrey,Goodrich in Herefordshire, Norwich and Castle Eisingin TsTorfolk, Hedingham and Colchester in Essex, arelater, and belong chiefly to the twelfth century; butmost of them, if not all, were founded at this earlyperiod, Rochester has been entirely rebuilt on anothersite. Prom the uniformity of plan—a massive squaretower, with a square turret at each angle of smallprojection, and a flat buttress up the centre of eachface—and the general plainness of the work, it requiresa careful examination of each of these buildings toascertain to which period it belongs. The only partswhere any ornament is to be found are usually the Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 4 years ago
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Picture Taken: 1877-01-01T00:00:00 -
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