Topics > Carlisle > Streets of Carlisle > Heads Lane

Heads Lane

Heads Lane is a narrow street which runs between West Walls (street) and Blackfriars Street in Carlisle. At the south-west end of the lane is the 15th century Tithe Barn. There is the small Heads Lane Car Park and The Old Engine House (cafe), by the junction with West Walls. At the north-east end of the lane is The Sportman public house, which dates from the 18th century. The area around Heads Lane has a rich history; a Roman and medieval town area bounded by Heads Lane, West Wall and Blackfriars Street is a Sheduled Monument.

Streets of Carlisle Tithe Barn, Carlisle The Sportsman Inn, Carlisle
Tithe Barn, Carlisle
  Co-Curate Page
Tithe Barn, Carlisle
- Overview Map Street View The former Tithe barn for the Augustinian Priory of St Mary is located on West Walls by Heads Lane in Carlisle. It was built in the …
from Geograph (geograph)
Heads Lane

Pinned by Edmund Anon
Roman and medieval town area bounded by Heads Lane West Wall and Blackfriars Street - Carlisle
- Scheduling

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Edmund Anon


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