Topics > Newcastle City Centre > Streets > Castle Garth > Dog Leap Stairs
Dog Leap Stairs
Historic steps from Castle Garth to Side in Newcastle. In 1772, the young Baron Eldon (John Scott) eloped with Bessie Surtees and the couple made their escape on horseback up Dog Leap Stair.

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
061032:Dog Leap Stairs Newcastle upon Tyne Malcolm Maybury 1995
Pinned by Pat Thomson

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
052649:Castle Garth Newcastle upon Tyne Unknown 1885
Pinned by Pat Thomson

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
061032:Dog Leap Stairs Newcastle upon Tyne Malcolm Maybury 1995
Pinned by Pat Thomson

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
052649:Castle Garth Newcastle upon Tyne Unknown 1885
Pinned by Pat Thomson