Topics > Carlisle > Streets of Carlisle > Newtown Road, Carlisle > Coledale Hall, Carlisle

Coledale Hall, Carlisle

Coledale Hall is located on Newtown Road in Carlisle. It was originally built in 1810 as a house and stable range for Henry Fawcett, MP for Carlisle. In 1846, internal alterations were made to the house for George Mould (railway contractor).[1] In 1926, the building became St Mary's Home for Friendless Girls, later it was used as a Health Authority office. Today, the Hall and former stable range are residential appartments. Coledale Hall is Grade II* listed on the National Heritage List for England. New houses were developed on Coledale Meadows and Coledale Mews, presumably on the former grounds of the Hall.

St Mary’s Home for Penitents (for the 'reception and reformation of fallen women') at Coal Fell opened in 1872[2], occuping the former Caldewgate parish workhouse, at the junction of what are now Moorhouse Road and Burgh Road. A laundry was built there in 1894. The home closed c.1920, but the laundry continued. The home re-opened here at Coledale Hall in 1926, known as St Mary's Home for Friendless Girls and later as The Carlisle Diocesan Refuge.

Newtown Road, Carlisle Private Residence Historic Buildings and Monuments in Carlisle 1810
from Geograph (geograph)
Coledale Hall, Newtown Road

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
COLEDALE HALL - Carlisle - List Entry
- "House and stable range now office and house. 1810 for Henry Fawcett (MP for Carlisle); 1846 internal alterations for George Mould (railway contractor) by Mr Withnal. Flemish bond brickwork with …

Added by
Simon Cotterill
from https://discovery.nationalarc…
St Mary's Home for Penitents, Coledale Hall, Carlisle
- Minute Book - 1916-57

Added by
Simon Cotterill


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