Topics > Cumbria > Little Strickland > Church of St Mary, Little Strickland
Church of St Mary, Little Strickland

from Geograph (geograph)
Cut benchmark on St Mary's Church, Little Strickland
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

CHURCH OF ST MARY - Little Stickland - List Entry
- "Parish church. 1814. Roughcast walls with V-jointed red sandstone quoins, on chamfered plinth, under graduated greenslate roof. 3-bay nave/chancel with west open bellcote and west porch....Nave has large 2-light pointed-arched …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://northwestmorlandchurc…
St Mary Thrimby
- "The Church of St. Mary Thrimby is situated in the rural farming village of Little Strickland. It is a medieval church, first restored in 1686, then in 1813 moved from …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Little Strickland (Thrimby) – St Mary’s Church
- "St Mary’s church, 1814, was built in Little Strickland, after the church in nearby Thrimby was demolished because the land was needed for agricultural purposes...."
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Geograph (geograph)
Cut benchmark on St Mary's Church, Little Strickland
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

CHURCH OF ST MARY - Little Stickland - List Entry
- "Parish church. 1814. Roughcast walls with V-jointed red sandstone quoins, on chamfered plinth, under graduated greenslate roof. 3-bay nave/chancel with west open bellcote and west porch....Nave has large 2-light pointed-arched …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://northwestmorlandchurc…
St Mary Thrimby
- "The Church of St. Mary Thrimby is situated in the rural farming village of Little Strickland. It is a medieval church, first restored in 1686, then in 1813 moved from …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Little Strickland (Thrimby) – St Mary’s Church
- "St Mary’s church, 1814, was built in Little Strickland, after the church in nearby Thrimby was demolished because the land was needed for agricultural purposes...."
Added by
Simon Cotterill
List number: 1356170
List grade: 2
Post code: CA10 3EG
County: Cumbria
Grid ref: NY5625319734
Unitary Auth: Westmoreland & Furness
List grade: 2
Post code: CA10 3EG
County: Cumbria
Grid ref: NY5625319734
Unitary Auth: Westmoreland & Furness