Topics > Bridgefoot > Church of St Luke, Clifton, Cumbria
Church of St Luke, Clifton, Cumbria
St Luke's Church, Clifton, is located on Chapel Brow in Bridgefoot. There has been a church on this site sice at least the 11th century, though the current building dates from 1901. Several Norman features remain and the church houses a Norse Cross shaft dating back to 870AD. The church is part of the Grasmoor Mission Community.

from Geograph (geograph)
Part of a grey-sandstone cross-shaft St Luke's Church, Clifton
Pinned by Edmund Anon

from https://stlukesclifton.weebly…
St Luke's Church, Clifton, Cumbria
- "Welcome to St Luke's Church, Clifton, West Cumbria
St Luke's is a small village church in north west Cumbria on the edge of the Lake District.
The present building was …
Added by
Edmund Anon

St Luke's Clifton BCDandM - Facebook
- Facebook pages of St Luke's Clifton BCDandM. "St Luke's church, Clifton, Chapel Brow, Bridgefoot. Part of the Grasmoor Mission Community...."
Added by
Edmund Anon

from Geograph (geograph)
Part of a grey-sandstone cross-shaft St Luke's Church, Clifton
Pinned by Edmund Anon

from https://stlukesclifton.weebly…
St Luke's Church, Clifton, Cumbria
- "Welcome to St Luke's Church, Clifton, West Cumbria
St Luke's is a small village church in north west Cumbria on the edge of the Lake District.
The present building was …
Added by
Edmund Anon

St Luke's Clifton BCDandM - Facebook
- Facebook pages of St Luke's Clifton BCDandM. "St Luke's church, Clifton, Chapel Brow, Bridgefoot. Part of the Grasmoor Mission Community...."
Added by
Edmund Anon