Topics > Cumbria > Newton Reigny > Church of St John, Newton Reigny
Church of St John, Newton Reigny

from Geograph (geograph)
The church of St John and part of its burial ground at Newton Reigny
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

CHURCH OF ST JOHN - Newton Reigny - List Entry
- "Parish church. Late C12 and C13 with extensive restoration of 1876 by Ewan Christian. Mixed red and pink blocks of sandstone, the upper part of the walls of coursed red …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Geograph (geograph)
The church of St John and part of its burial ground at Newton Reigny
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

CHURCH OF ST JOHN - Newton Reigny - List Entry
- "Parish church. Late C12 and C13 with extensive restoration of 1876 by Ewan Christian. Mixed red and pink blocks of sandstone, the upper part of the walls of coursed red …
Added by
Simon Cotterill