Topics > Carlisle > Botchergate


Botchergate is a street and area in the south of Carlisle. Historically, Botchergate grew outside the old town walls, it began a linear development, with dwellings and hostelries along the road approaching the town walls. During the 19th century Botchergate expanded and became increasingly urban and commercial. Eventually it was subsumed into Carlisle, as the city grew. The first post box on mainland Britain was erected in Botchergate in 1853.[1]

BOTCHERGATE, a township, in the parish of St. Cuthbert, Carlisle, Cumberland ward, union of Carlisle, E. division of Cumberland; containing 5,460 inhabitants.

Extract from: A Topographical Dictionary of England comprising the several counties, cities, boroughs, corporate and market towns, parishes, and townships..... 7th Edition, by Samuel Lewis, London, 1848.
The Leper hospital of St Nicholas was established in Botchergate, around the 12th century. The hospital survived the Dissolution, but was destroyed during the siege of Carlisle in 1645.
Carlisle St Cuthbert's Carlisle Parish, 1848 Streets of Carlisle County Hotel, Botchergate Cumberland Inn, Carlisle Gallaghers Bar (former Golden Lion), Carlisle Nos. 161-163 Botchergate The Caledonian, Botchergate, Carlisle
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Carlisle - County Hotel Botchergate

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
from Geograph (geograph)
Botchergate, Carlisle

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
from Geograph (geograph)
The Caledonian, Botchergate

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
from Geograph (geograph)
Plaque commemorating first pillar box in mainland Britain

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
from Geograph (geograph)
View along Botchergate

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
from Geograph (geograph)
The Crescent

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
from Geograph (geograph)
Former "Red Lion Hotel" - March 2018 (3)

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
from Geograph (geograph)
Replica Victorian pillar box outside the Old Town Hall

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
from Flickr (flickr)
Buildings of Carlise: Milano Pizza, Botchergate

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
from Flickr (flickr)
The Woodrow Wilson

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
from Geograph (geograph)
Cumbria County Council's new HQ

Pinned by Simon Cotterill


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