Topics > Carlisle > Streets of Carlisle > Abbey Street > Abbey Gatehouse
Abbey Gatehouse

Orate pro anima Christophori Slee prioris qui primus hoc opus fieri incepit AD 1528
(Pray for the soul of Christopher Slee, Prior, who commenced this building in AD 1528 )

ABBEY GATE AND GATEHOUSE - Carlisle - List Entry
- "Formerly known as: Abbey Street Lodge The Abbey. Gate tower to St Mary's Priory and attached gatehouse. For Prior Slee, inscribed and dated 1528. Weathered red sandstone ashlar, some dressings …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

ABBEY GATE AND GATEHOUSE - Carlisle - List Entry
- "Formerly known as: Abbey Street Lodge The Abbey. Gate tower to St Mary's Priory and attached gatehouse. For Prior Slee, inscribed and dated 1528. Weathered red sandstone ashlar, some dressings …
Added by
Simon Cotterill