Topics > County Durham > Castle Eden > War Memorial, Castle Eden

War Memorial, Castle Eden

The war memorial in Castle Eden is located on a small triangular green on Stockton Road, in front of the south-west entrance to the Castle. The memorial was unveiled on the 11th of January 1922 by the Earl of Durham and dedicated by Dr Hensley Henson, the Bishop of Durham. It commemorates 30 local servicemen from the parish who lost their lives in the First World War. In a later ceremony on the 7th of November 1948, the memorial was further dedicated to 5 local men who died in the Second World War.[1] The memorial was restored in 2014 with the help of grant aid from War Memorials Trust. Castle Eden war memorial is Grade II listed on the National Heritage List for England.

Castle Eden War Memorials Historic Buildings and Monuments in Castle Eden Civil Parish
from Geograph (geograph)
War Memorial, Castle Eden

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
Castle Eden War Memorial
- "....the war memorial is located in front of the south-west entrance to The Castle .... on Stockton Road and takes the form of a cross, based on the Blomfield Cross …

Added by
Simon Cotterill
Castle Eden - Cross 1914-18 1939-45 Roadside

Added by
Simon Cotterill
Memorial - CASTLE EDEN
- "....Two-stepped base and plinth with Sword of Sacrifice in centre of shaft. Bronze name plaques attached to plinth. NB Although of CWGC style the memorial in not in the care …

Added by
Simon Cotterill
from Flickr (flickr)
The War Memorial, Castle Eden, Co. Durham

Pinned by Pat Thomson


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