Topics > Newcastle City Centre > Bigg Market > Subterranean WC, Bigg Market
Subterranean WC, Bigg Market
At the south end of the Bigg Market, in Newcastle, are the former public lavatories with circular railings around the underground the gents toilet. It opened in 1898 and is notable for its striking roof structure projecting out of the ground. The toilets closed in 2012 were later converted into a wine bar called WC, which opened in February 2020. The building is on the Local List of buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest ('Local List') for Newcastle.

Bigg Market toilets start new life as a wine bar
- City life, 11 February 2020. "The Gentlemen’s WC, the iconic building that has stood at the heart of the Bigg Market since 1898, has been completely transformed as part of …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Bigg Market toilets start new life as a wine bar
- City life, 11 February 2020. "The Gentlemen’s WC, the iconic building that has stood at the heart of the Bigg Market since 1898, has been completely transformed as part of …
Added by
Simon Cotterill