Topics > Tees Valley > Stockton-on-Tees > Hilton > St Peter's Church, Hilton
St Peter's Church, Hilton
The Norman parish church in Hilton dates from the 12th Century, with later alterations. It is Grade 1 Listed.

St Peter, Hilton
- "This small, interesting, 12th century church is largely unaltered since its building. It consists of a nave and chancel under a continuous roof approximately forty feet long.
The north doorway, …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

CHURCH OF ST PETER - Hilton - List Entry
- "Simple two-cell Norman church of fairly uniform coursed squared stone. Some rebuilding to east wall. Modern pantiled roof. North porch. North and south doorways with coarse chevron and roll mouldings, …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

St Peter, Hilton
- "This small, interesting, 12th century church is largely unaltered since its building. It consists of a nave and chancel under a continuous roof approximately forty feet long.
The north doorway, …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

CHURCH OF ST PETER - Hilton - List Entry
- "Simple two-cell Norman church of fairly uniform coursed squared stone. Some rebuilding to east wall. Modern pantiled roof. North porch. North and south doorways with coarse chevron and roll mouldings, …
Added by
Simon Cotterill