Topics > Bromfield > St Mungo's Well, Bromfield
St Mungo's Well, Bromfield
St Mungo's Well is located just north of St Mungo's Church in Bromfield, Cumbria It is a medieval well with a stone wellhead of 1878, inscribed: "With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation."[1] St Mungo's Well is Grade II listed.

ST MUNGO'S WELL - Bromfield, Cumbria - List Entry
- "Wellhead. 1878 over the site of a medieval well. Hammer-dressed red sandstone with iron clamps. Circular wellhead with side door, under conical stone cap. Inscribed in C19 lettering on top …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

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Church of St Mungo, Bromfield
- Overview About St Mungo's Church Map Street View St Mungo Church in Bromfield, Cumbria, dates from the 12th century. It features it's original 12th century font. Within the church, the …

ST MUNGO'S WELL - Bromfield, Cumbria - List Entry
- "Wellhead. 1878 over the site of a medieval well. Hammer-dressed red sandstone with iron clamps. Circular wellhead with side door, under conical stone cap. Inscribed in C19 lettering on top …
Added by
Simon Cotterill