Topics > Tyne and Wear > Newcastle upon Tyne > Jesmond > Jesmond Road > Shiners (Minories)
Shiners (Minories)
Minories House, 123 Jesmond Road was built c1859 for pawnbroker George Davidson, and designed by Johnston Hogg. By 1898 a coach house and stable block had been added. The house remained in the ownership of the Davidson family until 1922 when it became the workshops and offices of JR Rutherford and Sons, Joiners. Later the building was in use as "Shiner's" antique shop.(source Sitelines). More recently Shiners Yard was converted for residential purposes. "Minories House, (formerly Shiners); is very prominent at the junction of Sandyford Road and Jesmond Road. It is restrained and a good example of Victorian domestic architecture, the double fronted façade and ashlar facing now painted cream indicating a residence of status. The west and north sides has attached a later two storey warehouse, constructed in brick with arch headed openings and Georgian style windows." (South Jesmond Conservation Area Character Statement)
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from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
063440:Shiners Architectural Reclamation Ltd no.123 Jesmond Road Jesmond Maybury Malcolm 1996
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

Tyne and Wear HER(8399): Jesmond, Jesmond Road, No. 123, Minories House (Shiners)
- "The property is shown on a plan of c.1857 as the proposed "Minories House". It was to be built for a Mr George Davidson, pawnbroker, and was designed by architect …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
063440:Shiners Architectural Reclamation Ltd no.123 Jesmond Road Jesmond Maybury Malcolm 1996
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

Tyne and Wear HER(8399): Jesmond, Jesmond Road, No. 123, Minories House (Shiners)
- "The property is shown on a plan of c.1857 as the proposed "Minories House". It was to be built for a Mr George Davidson, pawnbroker, and was designed by architect …
Added by
Simon Cotterill