Linnels Mill
"Keys to the Past Web Site: Linnels Mill is a small rural corn mill on the banks of the Devil's Water. There has been a mill on this site since the 14th century but the present building is 17th century in date. It was enlarged in the 18th century and last used in about 1890. The mill contains a full set of milling machinery and was, once milling ceased, converted to produce electricity for the neighbouring house, called Linnels. The mill was powered by water and had one waterwheel that drove two pairs of millstones. The building is one of the oldest mills remaining in Northumberland and one of the best preserved. It contains machinery of considerable antiquity and a rare example of an oat roasting kiln. " Photo by Les Hull, 2005. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 6 years, 5 months ago
Viewed: 543 times
Picture Taken: 2005-04-20 -
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