Retaining wall and remains of Coal Drops, Blaydon Burn
"Coal from the Bessie (or Betsey) Drift Mine [[2820141]] situated directly to the east, on the valley side, was carried on an elevated platform across the valley to the drops where it was loaded into waggons for transport to the Blaydon Tyne staithes. The doorway on the left has a set of steps which provided access to the upper platform. The Betsie Pit was part of Joseph Cowen's Blaydon Burn Colliery in operation in the mid C19th. Around 1900 it was taken over by Priestman Collieries and finally closed in the 1950s by the National Coal Board." Photo by Andrew Curtis, 2012. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 6 years, 9 months ago
Viewed: 551 times
Picture Taken: 2012-02-19 -
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