Hamsteels and Quebec Villages
Article by Linda Cook. "The houses of Hamsteels were built by Johnston and Reay to house the workforce of the colliery, brickworks and coke ovens. Hamsteels comprised of only three streets, High, Office and South Street plus a row of “huts”. Quebec, on the other hand, had many more; Front, New Single, Brockwell, Clifford, Dyke, Busty, Taylor, Oliver, Chapel and Church Street. Joseph Burgoyne Johnston and T Reay started Hamsteels village with the sinking of the Taylor pit shaft in 1867. T Reay was a timber merchant in Sunderland and Johnston was a brewery owner. He also owned the two public houses in Quebec. For entertainment, the people of Hamsteels had to walk up the hill to Quebec where the Miners Institute, Drill Hall and the public houses were all located....." -
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Link: http://www.durhamintime.org.uk/durham_miner/hamsteels_quebec.pdf
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 9 months ago
Viewed: 1224 times
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