Remains of Lumpsey Ironstone Mine
"The mine commenced operations in 1881 under the ownership of Bell Brothers. The pit comprised two shafts, 75m deep, both now capped. The concrete post marks the circular concrete cap of one of these shafts. Lumpsey was the second mine in Brotton and the last to close in 1954. The former Middlesbrough to Whitby railway, now just a branch to the Boulby Potash Mine, passes behind the concrete structure right of centre. This is the foundations for a ore tipping shed, the railway trucks passing through it. The mine was connected underground to those at Carlin How and North Skelton. After closure in 1954 the shafts continued to provide ventilation to the latter mine. During WW1 a six inch railway truck mounted gun was stored at Lumpsey. During Zeppelin attacks the gun was hauled along the railway line to Huntcliff, in the far right distance in the photo." Photo by Mick Garratt, 2008. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 9 months ago
Viewed: 722 times
Picture Taken: 2008-01-25 -
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