1101 - World War I memorial at Seaham
"Entitled 1101, the work represents "A war-weary Tommy sits thoughtfully, head bowed, rifle in hand, as he reflects upon the sheer horror of World War One during the first minute after peace was declared in 1918" It is by a local artist Ray Lonsdale. Made of steel, it was installed at the end of May and is expected to be in place for 3 months. A campaign has been launched to retain it in Seaham indefinitely. Afternote: I'm pleased to record that the campaign was successful and the soldier will be remaining in Seaham. My thanks to Peter Edwards for letting me know." Photo by John Lucas, 2014. -
John Lucas -
Geograph (Geograph) -
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Link: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/4065786
Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 10 months ago
Viewed: 938 times
Picture Taken: 2014-07-08 -
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