Joseph Cruddas
Name: Joseph Cruddas Arrested for: Vagrancy Arrested at: North Shields Police Station Arrested on: 13 March 1905 Tyne and Wear Archives ref: DX1388-1-67-Joseph Cruddas The Shields Daily News for 20 March 1905 reports: "At North Shields Police Court to-day, Joseph Cruddas and William Thompson were charged with being found wandering in Linskill Terrace and unable to give a good account of themselves at 11.20 pm on the 12th inst. PC Ivison deposed to arresting the accused. They said they had been on the road to Blyth, but got a fright and turned back. Chief Constable Huish said that Cruddas was a miner belonging to Felling, and there was no previous conviction against him. Thompson had made 19 appearances before the South Shields magistrates. Cruddas was dismissed and Thompson was committed to prison for three months with hard labour, the Chairman remarking that he had a shocking character". For an image of William Thompson see"> These images are a selection from an album of photographs of prisoners brought before the North Shields Police Court between 1902 and 1916 in the collection of Tyne & Wear Archives (TWA ref DX1388/1). (Copyright) We're happy for you to share this digital image within the spirit of The Commons. Please cite 'Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums' when reusing. Certain restrictions on high quality reproductions and commercial use of the original physical version apply though; if you're unsure please email -
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Last modified: 8 years, 1 month ago
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