Tow Law 1840 ‐1900
A "The area we now know of as Tow Law was originally common or fell‐land, on the fringe of the Bishop of Durham’s hunting park at Wolsingham.....However, the value of its mines was already recognised before 1600 and coal was being regularly extracted from that time. Mining on a small scale and farming seem to have been the only activities that took place in the area prior to 1844. In 1844 the area attracted the interest of one Charles Attwood and the seeds were sown for the building of the Town of Tow Law, as we know it today....In 1845 the company opened the Black Prince colliery on the fell to the north of Tow Law to supply its blast furnaces with coking coal. The company first blast furnace was opened at Stanhope Dean in 1845, and a further 6 were opened at Tow Law in 1846...." Read more at Durham in Time... -
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Added by: Pat Thomson
Last modified: 9 years, 6 months ago
Viewed: 1114 times
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