Ranchi, in war time colours and from the date of the photo, she was on her last voyage as a trropship before being reconditioned for post war commercial service. Official Number: 148130 Tonnages: 16650 gross, 9316 net, 9000 deadweight Dimensions: Length 548.5, beam 71.3, depth 43.2, draught 28.8 feet Machinery: Two quadruple expansion four cylinder engines manufactured by the shipbuilder, driving twin screws. 15000 i.h.p, Speed: 17 knots Passengers: 305 lst class, 282 2nd class Cargo Capacity: 344,144 cubic feet. Designed for the London-Bombay mail service. History 24.1.1925: Launched by Hawthorn, Leslie and Co. Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Yard No. 534), 29.7.1925: Delivered to P & O 27.8.1939: Requisitioned by the Admiralty for service as an armed merchant cruiser and converted at Bombay. Her after funnel was removed and eight 6" and two 3" guns were fitted. 16.3.1943: Returned to her owners for service as a troopship. 8.7.1947: Released, reconditioned at Southampton 17.6.1948: Re-entered commercial service. 7.1.1953: Sold for £200,000 to British Iron and Steel Corporation (Salvage) Ltd. for demolition, and allocated to John Cashmore Ltd. 18.1.1953: Arrived at Newport, Mon. for breaking up. -
TimWebb -
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Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/42117802@N06/8733484677/
Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 1144 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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