Girl Footballers (1961)
Whitley Bay, Northumberland. Opening shot (taken from Girl Police Cyclists - CP 281) shows women on police motorbikes weaving in and out of bollards. Commentator talks of the "so-called weaker sex" and "how far they've invaded man's territory". C/U of a girl smiling; pan down to show she is wearing a white top and shorts; the latter have a red heart sewn on one leg. Nice shots of girls putting on their boots and shin guards as commentator tells us they are part of a football team called 'Heartthrobs'. M/Ss of their opposing team, some boys from Monkseaton County Secondary School. The condescending tone of the commentator continues: "At least there's no risk to man's prestige in a match like this; if the girls win there's a perfect get-out - after all, they're only schoolboys!". Various shots of the game on a playing field; some boys on the sidelines cheer. M/S of the Heartthrobs' manager, Miss Iris Mitchell (on the right), with unidentified female supporter. Nice M/S of some boys, one on a bike, watching intently. Note: there is no print for this issue. From notes on file it seems the girls were learning to play football at this club; the angle of the finished story is that they know what they are doing (they do it all with mirrors, you know) and are muscling in on male territory. Cameraman Martin Rolfe notes "Miss Mitchell has asked for a fee for the club, but they are such poor players - I should forget it!". There is correspondence and a news cutting on file. Cuts exist - see separate record. 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: Join us on Facebook at: Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:139.16 -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 10 years, 7 months ago
Viewed: 981 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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