Farewell to Commercial Union House
Explore Lifelong Learning in Newcastle, Blog, 30 Jun, 2022. "As the demolition of our former home nears completion, we say goodbye to the Brutalist sentinel of Pilgrim Street...It is with a heavy heart that we say a final goodbye to Commercial Union House, our former happy home and headquarters on Newcastle’s Pilgrim Street. After many months of demolition, following many years of knowing ‘one day, but not yet’, the dust has now settled on the site and passers-by can see all the way across the block from the spiral staircase and infamous Blue Carpet, to the Tyneside and jeweller's gold clock. First went the Old Odeon Cinema, somewhat sooner and more clumsily than planned… then after years overlooking pop-up container bars and watching other developments come down nearby, the community of artists, designers, writers and charities were finally given notice to leave their Commercial Union home...." -
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Link: https://www.weareexplore.org.uk/farewell-to-commercial-union-house
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 months, 1 week ago
Viewed: 98 times
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