The Samson, London Road, Carlisle - March 2017 (1)
"Dating from 1891 and named after a steam locomotive on the adjacent Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, this building replaced an earlier pub of the same name built circa 1837 and at one time known as the "Steam Engine". Acquired by the State Management Scheme in August 1916, it was closed in 1917 and has undergone alterations since - particularly on the ground floor (although the first floor is largely unchanged excepting addition of the window nearest the camera). It has had many different uses down the years, including a motor garage, but is now a fast food outlet. See also: . For a 2011 view with link to a photograph from circa 1900, see: . Photograph is for record only - I have no connection with any business seen in this view and cannot advise on their products or services." Photo by The Carlisle Kid, 2017. -
The Carlisle Kid -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 10 months, 1 week ago
Viewed: 156 times
Picture Taken: 2017-03-08 -
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