Wigton, Woodside and Oulton War Memorial - List Entry
"....this war memorial is situated within Wigton Cemetery, where it is prominently situated between a pair of cemetery chapels. It takes the form of a squat polished grey granite obelisk with a pink granite domed cap; there is a bronze wreath on each face at the top, with an incised Latin cross below each. It is set upon a pink granite plinth with a grey granite cap and foot. The plinth has scroll brackets at the four corners. The plinth stands on a two-tiered square stone base. The shaft and plinth bear the leaded inscriptions and read: THIS MONUMENT/ COMMEMORATES THOSE WHO/ AT THE CALL OF KING AND/ COUNTRY, LEFT ALL THAT/ WAS DEAR TO THEM, ENDURED/ HARDNESS, FACED DANGER, AND/ FINALLY PASSED OUT OF THE/ SIGHT OF MEN ON THE PATH/ OF DUTY AND SELF-SACRIFICE,/ GIVING UP THEIR OWN LIVES/ THAT OTHERS MIGHT LIVE/ IN FREEDOM/ LET THOSE THAT COME/ AFTER SEE THAT THEIR/ NAMES ARE NOT FORGOTTEN/ 1914 – 1919/ the NAMES are arranged by rank, first and surname around all four faces of the plinth. ALSO THOSE/ WHO LAID DOWN THEIR LIVES/ IN THE SECOND GREAT WAR/ 1939 – 1945/ (NAMES on the face of the obelisk)...." -
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Link: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1463532
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 3 years, 6 months ago
Viewed: 322 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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